Monday, November 26, 2012

Display Sublevel menus for Global Navigation in Sharepoint 2010

To display the Sub level menus as one shown below
Follow these below steps.

Open the site in Sharepoint Designer 2010

  1. Open your Master page for the portal say "v4.master" or "v4_Custom.master" (in case you have a custom master page created for your site)
  2. Find for the keyword "Orientation" 
  4. Edit the values for "StaticDisplayLevels" and "MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels" as per your requirement. Initial value for "MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels" would be 1 and you can change it to 2 for the menu to appear as  shown in the above image

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Display BreadCrumbs for Sharepoint 2010 sites

If you want the breadcrumb to appear in proper way, that shows the root site followed by subsite and so on, you can add the below line of codes in your master pagewhich the site is referring to.

    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderSiteName" runat="server">
                                            <asp:sitemappath runat="server" sitemapproviders="SPSiteMapProvider,SPXmlContentMapProvider" rendercurrentnodeaslink="true" nodestyle-cssclass="breadcrumbNode" currentnodestyle-cssclass="breadcrumbCurrentNode" rootnodestyle-cssclass="breadcrumbRootNode" hideinteriorrootnodes="true">

A sales engineer is someone who promise you a bridge, even when there's no river.